Thursday, December 24, 2009

My First Post

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. If you are looking at this, then you have received my late Christmas card. This year has be packed! This summer, Jay was transferred to a ship in Charleston, SC. At first, we were looking to rent and then found a house that I fell in love with. It is in Summerville, SC. The family that we bought it from is also a Coast Guard family. This is our first Christmas in a house, and we have had fun decorating.
This past September, we were able to take our first family vacation. We decided to take the kids to Disney World. This was a GREAT vacation, and I am looking forward to planning another trip for 2010.
About 2 1/2 years ago, I started a Masters in Accounting program with Grand Canyon University. I did take some time off to have Marie, who turned a year old this year. Trey is now 4. I can't believe how quickly time passes. On December 23rd, yesterday, I turned in my last paper to complete the Masters program. I am not sure when I will receive my grade, but when I do, so after I should be getting my diploma.
I am sure there is more I want to share, but I am completely exhausted. I am looking forward to having Christmas with just Jay, Trey, and Marie. Santa will be coming tonight, and fortunately the elves have already put together their gifts. So, mommy and daddy can go to bed soon after the kids go down. :-)
I will be using this blog to keep everyone updated on what is going on with the Jones'. I will also be posting pictures as soon as I can get them organized and uploaded.
Until then, take care and have a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I have bookmarked your page so I will check in on the Jones family throughout 2010. Thanks for the card and pictures.
